Articles — coffee

Fresh Roast Guarantee

Fresh Roast Guarantee

From Sulawesi to your doorstep, Toraja Mountain Coffee provides something that big coffee can’t — a culinary grade experience in every sip.  

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Redefining the Flavor of Morning: Utara Light Roast Single Origin Coffee

Redefining the Flavor of Morning: Utara Light Roast Single Origin Coffee

You notice the difference as soon as you open the bag. Then again when you grind the beans. The aroma of Utara Light coffee is simply unique - translating to a bright, yet rich, smooth, clean, very drinkable coffee that will redefine the flavor of mornings for you everyday.Even here at Toraja Mountain Coffee, Utara Light is our go-to daily-drinker. Single Origin South Sulawesi Coffee This special low acid coffee consists of top grade single origin Arabica beans from the remote mountainside jungle farms of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The beans are entirely hand-farmed and wild-grown, completely naturally and pesticide-free -...

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Indonesian Coffee Beans and the Magic of Mountain Farming

Indonesian Coffee Beans and the Magic of Mountain Farming

When it comes to Indonesian coffee, typically people think of Sumatra. Truthfully, it really is a big, beautiful island in Indonesia...

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Biodiversity & Better Coffee

Biodiversity & Better Coffee

Like any plant, coffee takes nutrients from the soil, water and rain...

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