You notice the difference as soon as you open the bag.
Then again when you grind the beans.
The aroma of Utara Light coffee is simply unique - translating to a bright, yet rich, smooth, clean, very drinkable coffee that will redefine the flavor of mornings for you everyday.
Even here at Toraja Mountain Coffee, Utara Light is our go-to daily-drinker.
Single Origin South Sulawesi Coffee
This special low acid coffee consists of top grade single origin Arabica beans from the remote mountainside jungle farms of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The beans are entirely hand-farmed and wild-grown, completely naturally and pesticide-free - planted in the same soil as banana, durian, jackfruit, cacao, vanilla, clove and more. These all-natural growing conditions and the extreme biodiversity of the coffee farm results in a unique blend of organic compounds that end up permeating into the soil as the Indonesian rains beat into the ground. Directly and indirectly, these natural compounds soak into the roots of our coffee plants resulting in that entirely unique aroma you get with Utara Light roast coffee.

Utara Means North In Indonesian
There’s only one Toraja in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. And it’s not what you think. Far more interesting and remote than the well-known Sumatra region.
It’s a magical place, rich in culture and virtually untouched by pollutive, outside influences. That’s why the coffee from there is low acid and smooth, and also pure in flavor and quality.
Within the Tana Toraja area, there are many different small villages - Sapan, Pulu Pulu, Langda, for example. There’s also the North Toraja region, which produces some of the world’s best coffees and almost certainly the best Indonesian coffee beans in the world. This North Toraja territory is the source of our top grade Arabica beans which we, at Toraja Mountain Coffee, call Utara. The word Utara simply means “north” in Indonesian, so it’s a direct reflection of the villages and the land from which our coffee is sourced.

What makes Toraja Mountain Coffee special is that we’re the first coffee company in the United States to put the strenuous effort into building lasting relationships with the farmers and villages of Toraja, then going to the great expense to harvest the beans and ship them all the way around the world in state-of-the-art, mold-free hermetically sealed bags, after carrying them down from the mountaintop farms of Toraja. The cost and effort required to offer the best Indonesian coffee in the world to the American coffee market is extreme. But it’s a length we’re willing to go to, to tell a different story, to create real connections with a culture from the other side of the world.
And to give you the best cup of single origin light roast Indonesian coffee available in the United States today.

Why Light Roast Coffee?
There’s a common misconception that dark roasts are higher in caffeine. They aren’t. Actually light roasts are higher in all-natural flavonoids and compounds that occur as the bean grows inside the coffee cherry fruit. Because, coffee beans are seeds actually - classified by the USDA as legumes with an indefinite shelf life.
Dark roast will produce more of that homey, roasted, warm, deep dark chocolate flavor and typically be lower acid because the acids that occur naturally inside the bean are cooked out too, along with some of the natural caffeine.
Low Acid Coffee
But this is another area that makes Utara Light so different. Because Utara Light delivers that bright, tangy, yet rich coffee flavor while also giving you a low acid coffee profile. This again is because of the unique farming conditions in which the bean grows. So for people who are prone to heartburn or acid reflux, or their doctor has told them to avoid foods and drinks high in acidity, Utara Light gives you a true low acid coffee drinking experience, unlike most other light roast coffees, which tend to be more acidic.So, go with Utara Light for an ultra-unique, bright and cherry-forward light roast, with a very drinkable low acid texture. From a company that cares about proper farming and high-quality artisanal roasting. Toraja Mountain Coffee.