
The latest, news, information and insights into the world of Toraja Mountain Coffee.

Coffee in jars ready for testing

Approved by a Professional Palate

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Apr 20, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

Benefits of Low Acid Coffee

Benefits of Low Acid Coffee

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Apr 12, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

One of the hallmarks of Toraja Mountain Coffee is what we call a “low acid texture.”

Ground vs Whole Bean

Ground vs Whole Bean

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Mar 22, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

Let’s take a closer look at how easy it is to grind at home.

Pura, A Village Temple

Pura, A Village Temple

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Mar 14, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

This serene, mysterious place is a village temple called a ‘pura.’

female vendor selling durian fruit in Bali

Markets of Indonesia

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Mar 10, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

After living in Indonesia for almost a decade, then returning to the US during COVID to support family, Toraja Mountain Coffee’s Chief Coffee Officer Charlie Kodatt recently returned to the place where our story starts.

Rice is Life

Rice is Life

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Mar 08, 2023 Charles Rosenberger

In Indonesia, from Bali  to Toraja, rice is eaten three times a day. At least.

Headed Back to the Farm

Headed Back to the Farm

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Mar 08, 2023 Charles Rosenberger